Seeding Time 2004 Austin City Hall, Austin, Texas
Selected as one of the best public Artwork for the Annual 2004-2005 Art in America Commissioned by the City Hall of Austin, Texas Installation view, Oak tree, Mist fountain, Light,… continue reading
Selected as one of the best public Artwork for the Annual 2004-2005 Art in America Commissioned by the City Hall of Austin, Texas Installation view, Oak tree, Mist fountain, Light,… continue reading
6 T H S H A R J A H I N T E R N A T I O N A L B I E N N I A… continue reading
2 N D E C H I G O – T S U M A R I T R I E N N I A L, Minami Abuzaka, Niigata, 2003… continue reading
Post Gallery, Los Angeles, California, 2000 hourglass, phosphor, steel, fabric, light, sound This site and time-specific installation addressed the experiential nature of the perceptions of space and time. Installed… continue reading
A R T I S T S T O A R T I S T S : A D E C A D E O F T H E S… continue reading
M E T R O P O L I T A N W A S T E W A T E R D E P A R T M E… continue reading
I M A G I N I N G T H E B O O K, Alexandria Library, Alexandria, Egypt, 2002 Director of the Cultural Activities: Sherif Mohieeldin General Commissioner:… continue reading
I M A G I N I N G T H E B O O K, Alexandria Library, Alexandria, Egypt, 2002 Director of the Cultural Activities: Sherif Mohieeldin General Commissioner:… continue reading
W O R K S H O P O F C O N T E M P O R A R Y A R T O F A S I… continue reading
1 0 T H A S I A N A R T B I E N N A L E B A N G L A D E S H,… continue reading