Banned, Censored, Chalenged: Banned in the U.S.A. 1993-1996 V E R M O N T S Q U A R E B R A N C H L I B R A R Y, Los Angeles,… continue reading V E R M O N T S Q U A R E B R A N C H L I B R A R Y, Los Angeles,… continue reading V E R M O N T S Q U A R E B R A N C H L I B R A R Y, Los Angeles,… continue reading
Yumeooka , Yokohama, Japan, 1995-1996 Commissioner: Yumeooka Art Project Committee Organization: Kamiooka Neighborhood Renewal Office, Development Department, Urban Planning Bureau, City of Yokohama Art Advisor: Fumio Nanjo, Nanjo and Associates… continue reading
S A N D D U N E P A R K, Manhattan Beach, California, 1995 Commissioner: City of Manhattan Beach Public Art Program terra-cotta clay, seashells, concrete Students, children,… continue reading
C U L V E R C I T Y D O W N T O W N S T R E E T S C A P E I… continue reading
F A R E T T A C H I K A W A U R B A N R E N E W A L, T a c h… continue reading
Hoya Children’s Park, Tokyo, Japan, 1992-1993 Commissioner: Tama Life 21, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Art Planner: Atelier Aza stainless steel, earth, plant Children around the world do not always need… continue reading
L I T T L E T O K Y O H I S T O R I C D I S T R I C T S T R… continue reading
K O L L A N A H E I M C E N T E R A R T I N P U B L I C P L… continue reading
Kruzberg, Berlin, 1986-1988 Commissioner: International Architecture Exhibition (IBA), Berlin cobblestone, marble, granite, copper, glass tiles Waterways was inspired by the music of Toru Takemitsu (1931-1996) by the same title. … continue reading